- NAIL TUTOR (result) -

Find potential causes for 57 nail abnormalities
in only 3 steps!


Lateral nail fold [side skin]:
ingrown (skin grows over nail plate).

Ingrown nail fold is very common
(especially in the big toe of the foot).

Symptoms can be: discomfort (stage 1);
pain, pus & swelling (stage 2); infection (stage 3);
severe problems (stage 4).

Potential causes: bad maintenance, nail trauma, injury
(ill-fitting shoes), predisposition [source: Philippe Abimelec].

Synonym: onychocryptosis (= skin grows over nail).

Treatment: Depending on the symptoms:
1) warm water soaks + insertion of cotton-wick;
2) antibiotics; 3) surgical treatment.

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The eight basic components of the nail unit include:

1 - proximal nail fold; 2 - cuticle;
3 - lunula; 4 - nail plate; 5 - lateral nail folds; 6 - nail bed;
7 - hyponychium; 8 - free edge.

* NOTICE: The HandResearch Nail Tutor Tool is still in development. Currently this tool includes 57 nail disorders. The NAIL TUTOR tool is based on Medical Hand Analysis & Multi-Perspective Hand Reading, which e.g. implicates that one should keep in mind that any single nail abnormality should be expected to have an association with a range of potential causes!

The purpose of this tool is to assist you with identifying the nature of a fingernail disorder. The section fingernail disorders presents a more comprehensive overview of the most common fingernail abnormalities.